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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Why All Natural Cleaners Are the Way to Go

by Mary Pereira


Hello My Darlings...I am by far not an advocate of the "Green Movement" but I am a huge fan of using all natural cleaners that come from Our Creator. YES, I am a Believer in the Almighty, but this  is NOT a sermon.  This is though an in depth look at all the cons of regular cleaners vs. all natural cleaners.

Let's look at the hazards of conventional cleaners. First of all:
Potential Health Issues

  • Breathing Problems - Irritation of the Lungs
  • Allergies
  • Severe Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Aggravating or Causing Asthma
  • Burning Skin or Eyes, which could be permanent
  • Development of Diseases such as Respiratory Diseases, Heart Diseases, Cancer and more
  • Death

    To see how dangerous these and many other products are that we use in our everyday lives, check out these two links as well; Household Product Database and OSHA Occupational Chemical Database

    You know this is nothing to play around with my Love...we surround our homes and businesses with harmful chemicals all the time and at what cost?  Cleaners containing Toluene, Formaldehyde, Nitrobenzene, Chloride, Methylene and Ethylene can cause Asthma in children.  There have also been links to...BRACE YOURSELVES...Childhood Leukemia from Household Cleaners that contain Diethylthiophosphate DETP and Diethyldithiophosphate DEDTP which are pesticides.  There is also another link that talks about toxic chemicals in household products, guidelines on choosing safer products and general resources to help you in the fight; Toxipedia

    I really hate to bring you down, Love but the truth is ugly, isn't it?  And lets not forget the mishandling of cleaning products such as mixing ammonia with bleach.  Mixing these two products can produce a toxic level of gas harmful and extreme enough to cause death in some cases. YOWZA! Then there's using such harmful chemicals without gloves, eye goggles, long sleeves and face masks. Don't forget the hazmat suit is next!
    We clean our homes out of the love we have for our families and loved ones.  And since we take the time to care for our children even before they are born to protect them from birth defects it is our duty to continue to protect them in our homes, schools and businesses. I don't know about you but this information has been astounding to me. Now can you see why I am such a cheerleader for all-natural cleaners?  I mean c'mon....I DON'T EVEN  HAVE ANY CONS ON ALL NATURAL CLEANERS!!!! NONE. Not to mention they are cost effective.  Keep in mind, Beloved...I am talking about using items you find in your pantry shelves such as; 
    • Vinegar
    • Baking Soda - sodium bicarbonate
    •  Washing Soda - sodium carbonate
    • Lemons
    • Oranges
    • Vegetable Based Soap
    • Olive Oil
    • Distilled water
    • Coconut Oil
    • Salt
    • Ketchup                   
    • Bread
    • Oatmeal
    • Rice             
    • Black Tea
    • Glycerin
    • Club Soda
    • Hydrogen Peroxide
    • Corn Starch
    • Rubbing Alcohol
    • Sunflower Oil
    • Borax
    • Tooth Paste - all natural white paste preferably
    • Essential Oils

    Essential Oils are my favorite because not only do they smell beautiful, but some of them have incredible disinfectant properties as well.  Such as Lemon, Lavender and Tea Tree oil.  And pssssst! I have recipes if you want them, it's not a secret :) My next Blog will be on how to utilize these products and recipes, starting with good 'ole Vinegar.  Now remember my Lovlies...............CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS

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